
Creative Writing

Liberation and Healing from Racism, Sexism, Heterosexism

Facing the Black Shadow by Marlene F. Watson, Ph.D. 2013

Who’s Gonna Take the Weight? Manhood, Race and Power in America, Kevin Powell 2003

Sisters of the Yam: Black Women and Self-recovery, bell hooks, 1993

All About Love: New Visions, bell hooks 2000

The Secret of Possessing Joy, Alice Walker, 1993

Coming Out Spiritually, Christian de la Huerta, 1999

The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love, bell hooks2004

A Woman’s Worth, Marianne Williamson, 1993

Pariah (film), Dee Rees, 2011

A Girl Like Me: The Gwen Araujo Story, (film), Rosati, F. and Holland, A., 2006

Redefining Realness, Janet Mock, 2014